

Angela Wandelt

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Angela Wandelt

For the architect Angela Wandelt, wearing hats is an expression of personality and individuality. She herself has been wearing and collecting hats since her youth and taught herself the craft of hat making.

She finally founded "Gela-Hats" and created a place for very individual fashion in Leipzig. Soon her creations were also enthusiastically received at the trade fairs in New York, Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna.

"Fashion is ephemeral. Style never" This insight of Coco Chanel has been adopted by the hat designer.

Gela-Hüte Leipzig
Spinnereistraße 7
Baumwollspinnerei Haus 21
04179 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 912 80 50

Direction: The way to Angela Wandelt
Overview: Digital city map

© Portrait: Schnuppe von Gwinner
© Produkte: Gerd Heise

Illustration by: admin


Fashion | accessories