

Katja Zwirnmann

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Katja Zwirnmann

In her graphic studio, Katja Zwirnmann combines book design, printed graphics and book binding. The spectrum ranges from artists' books and graphic series to original graphic playing cards and light objects. Her work thus ranges from free graphics to applied art.

Visitors to her workshop shop will also find a selection of original graphic books, postcards and playing cards as well as hand-bound writing books.

As commissioned bookbinding work, small editions and unique copies are bound in high quality, and cassettes, folders and albums are custom-made. And if a long-time book love goes out of glue, a firm binding is provided again.

Graphic Studio Katja Zwirnmann
Spinnereistraße 7
Building 3, Gate 13
04179 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 495 66 26
Mobil: 0172 346 60 90

Direction: The way to Katja Zwirnmann
Overview: Digital city map

© Portrait: Schnuppe von Gwinner
© Products: Katja Zwirnmann

Illustration by: admin


Book design | illustration